- info@aimlawfirm.com
- 03035103570
Trademark registration is a legal process that provides specific rights to the owner of a distinctive mark, and then allows them to use it for their business and services.
To protect one’s intellectual property and business trademark registration is of significant importance. Trademark registration provides recognition in the market and also prevents the illegal or unauthorized use of the brand, slogan, logo, and name of the business.
Our skilled and dedicated trademark lawyers of AIM LAW FIRM in Islamabad, Karachi, Rawalpindi, and Faisalabad have complete knowledge about Trademark registration and ensure the seamless process of Trademark registration.
The steps of Trademark registration in Pakistan are as follows
Our trademark Lawyers of AIM LAW FIRM can help you get your trademark registered and also provide services for the renewal and maintenance of the trademark. Our lawyers provide continuous monitoring of trademarks to ensure their validity and security.
Trademark registration in Pakistan is of very importance. Trademark registration provides
Our trademark expert lawyers can provide services for Trademark registration, renewal, and maintenance of trademarks all over Pakistan. For further consultation about Trademark registration visit our offices in Karachi. Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Faisalabad or you can contact us by calling 03035103570.